Mar, 2023
Hundreds of college athletes were asked to think back: "What is your worst memory from playing youth and high school sports?"Their overwhelming response: "The ride home from games with my parents."
Mar, 2023
Little League® rule 4.10(e), more commonly referred to as the “10-run rule,” was written to establish an accepted way for leagues to end games if the conventional means of recording outs proves to be a challenge. According to Little League’s Official Regulations, Playing Rules and Policies, rule 4.10 (e) states:
Mar, 2023
What is the infield fly rule and why do they have it?
Feb, 2023
Bunting is a key, but often overlooked offensive skill. A simple and fun way to develop proper bunting technique is to practice directional bunting.
Feb, 2023
The playing rules governing organized baseball have been evolving for nearly 150 years. The interpretation of some rules may be confusing if not fully explained.